FRIDAY/YOM TOV NIGHT APPOINTMENTSAppointments are NOT necessary for Friday or Yom Tov nights. Please submit the form below so we can get a sense of the number of attendants necessary to expedite tevilah. This form is completely anonymous. Alternatively, you may leave an anonymous message on the Mikvah phone number, 443-990-0950.
1. Q. My leil tevila is Friday night or first night of Yom Tov - when should I prepare? A. Do all preparations on Friday afternoon on Erev Yom Tov. Nothing is done at the mikva. 2. Q. My leil tevila is the second night of Yom Tov- when should I prepare? A. Preparations even for second night tevila should be done erev you tov. 3. Q. what if I feel dirty- may I shower at the mikva on Yom Tov? A. No. If needed, one may use warm water and soft soap with hand - rinse parts of body that need. 4. Q. My leil tevila is Motzei Yom Tov - when should I prepare? A. Preparations should ideally be done, Erev Yom Tov and just a quick shower, re-comb hair, brush teeth and check is needed on Motzei Yom Tov. Some women prefer to do all preparations on Motzei Yom Tov but then must take 1 solid hour. 5. Q. My leil tevila is Friday night or Yom Tov night, and I have no one to watch my baby. A. Rabbonim say that husband should stay home with children, and wife should go to Mikva. |
MIKVAS AHUVA LEEBA on the Star-K Campus NOW OPEN!Mikvas Ahuva Leeba, on the Star-K campus, located at 6615 Baythorne Road, will now be open on Friday and Yom Tov nights. The hours at this location will be the same as the Clarks Lane Mikvah. The Mikvah opens 45 minutes after regular candle lighting and remains open for 30 minutes. Please note: the entrance to the Mikvah is on Smith Avenue, not Baythorne Road.
The Mikvah opens 45 minutes after regular candle lighting and remains open for 30 minutes. Z'man tevilah: September 27 7:31 October 2 7:23 October 4 7:19 MOTZOEI SHABBOS The Mikvah opens 1 1/2 hours after candle lighting FRIDAY NIGHT PAYMENT
Payment for Friday night Mikvah usage may be made by: 1. Mailing a check for $25 to 3207 Clarks Lane, Baltimore, MD 21215 or 2. Submitting a payment of $25 online here: Donate |
The walking partners program is a confidential program arranged for Friday night and Yom Tov nights. Please call or text Mrs. Shira Nelkin at 443-928-1528, or email [email protected], preferably by Wednesday evening, or three days prior to Yom Tov, to request a partner from your neighborhood. It is not necessary to state your name, just the neighborhood in which you live, and the nearest crossroads. In the event that no other women are walking from a specific area, a volunteer walking partner may be available.
Additionally, if you would like to be placed on a list of volunteer walking partners, please be in contact with Mrs. S. Nelkin at 443-928-1528 or email [email protected]. Volunteers are not committed to walking on a weekly basis; they are contacted, should the need arise, and one need only agree to walk if they are available that week.
Additionally, if you would like to be placed on a list of volunteer walking partners, please be in contact with Mrs. S. Nelkin at 443-928-1528 or email [email protected]. Volunteers are not committed to walking on a weekly basis; they are contacted, should the need arise, and one need only agree to walk if they are available that week.